
Über Bona Fide Buddhist BS Redux II

More road rage "threat & defamation" tweeting from a self-appointed "popular Buddhist commentator" on Twitter: suspected terrorist Bill Schwartz again libeling and slandering like a crazy man. Again, I call upon all sincere (both Bona Fide and Über) Tibetan tradition Buddhists to once and for all openly repudiate this type of idiotic behavior, unfortunately widespread in Vajrayana circles, which runs counter to the Buddhist Law.

Note that all Bill Schwartz's tweets (below) are in reaction to this single tweet by me:

Allow me to retort to this gassy monologue by highlighting a few of the "points" the Über-flustered Bill Schwartz seems to be trying to make in his random & wildly disorganized defense. Reading down:

-Bill Schwartz tells me to control my posse and keep them out of his "grill." Posse? Also, is that a gas grill or a charcoal grill?

-Bill Schwartz asks, "You feel me on this matter?" No. I'm not interested in feeling you.

-Bill Schwartz threatens me with a "Google problem." I don't know what that means. Maybe he should just screw around with my KLOUT ratings -- that would really get me where it hurts.

-Bill Schwartz claims that his detention by Chicago Police Department was unlawful. According to him, perhaps, but the Chicago PD may have a different "take." Bill Schwartz claims to have "merely" been snapping pictures, which is "not illegal." Maybe. Maybe he reacted to some mild police queries with the same bloated, chest-beating truculence he displays on Twitter. His account of the incident doesn't add up, any more than does his story of a miraculous recovery in 2010 from "incurable congestive heart failure," or his fantasies about having "brought down" Alyce Zeoli by being rude to her on Twitter.

-Bill Schwartz claims that he's going to file a civil suit for being "detained" for a few hours, while I can't file a civil suit for being handcuffed at gunpoint in a pre-dawn FBI raid. Some of the well known civil lawyers I've been speaking to might be interested in how he draws that conclusion.

-Bill Schwartz makes all kinds of fatuous and imaginary attributions about my emotional states ("furious," "chagrined," &c. -- uh uh, no, never once in relation to this small time stuff) and supposed motives, as well as what I knew or didn't know at this or that imaginary time. I say to Bill: Nuts. I've gazed into gun-sights and kept my cool. How likely am I to "lose it" over what a bearded Über-Buddhist in cheap overalls says about me on Twitter?

-Bill Schwartz repeats again and again in this sad sequence of tweets a certifiably crazed claim about my online interactions with Alyce Zeoli, aka "Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo" and her rabid cult followers, including the obese, obtuse David Williams and the now-jailed child-rapist monk John Buhmeyer aka "Palzang." But braying something loudly and often -- last I heard -- doesn't make it true.

As for Bill's noisy contention that I got "jammed up with the Government," if there were even the merest scent of my having done something illegal on my Twitter page I would definitely have been charged for it. The FBI doesn't hand out free "Get Out of Jail" cards after they've gone to all the fuss of mounting a pre-dawn tactical raid on your house. The simple truth is that Alyce Zeoli and her Kunzang Palyul Choling cult monkeys stalked me obsessively and without mercy for over a year on the mistaken assumption that I was their evil nemesis "William Cassidy." They made it impossible for me to teach Zen and Haragei, depriving the people who needed it of absolutely essential information. Even more than that, they lied to a federal agent so as to wreak misguided vengeance on me for offending their fantasyland "Living Buddha." The Government got jammed up on this one, not me. All I had to do was to not react to having a gun pointed at my head then watch & wait until the Government asked Alyce the questions they should have asked her in the first place. One can only imagine the resulting pain & chagrin.

Even after finding out conclusively that I wasn't William Cassidy, the cultists went on stalking me off & on for another whole year -- seemingly just to punish me for not being him, thereby causing their Guru the emotional distress of getting proven wrong in a very splashy, public way.

Although Bill speaks grandly, with the false confidence instilled by his boundless chutzpa, of my "tweets to Zeoli" he quotes from none of them. Why? Because he's never seen any. Bill Schwartz plus haut que son cul.

Fact time: anything I ever said or didn't say to "Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo" and the Kunzang Palyul Choling was said or not said in direct response to being viciously cyberstalked and cyberbullied by these idiots for the aforesaid two years. I have no regrets for any of it. Contrary to Bill's bizarre claim that I "got in over my head," I won. They lost. I stood fast & prevailed, they choked & collapsed. And it isn't even close to being all over yet. I rang a bell that can't be unrung and the deep vibrations still have the cultists shaking in their robes & sandals.

Note that the KPC Temple in Poolesville, Maryland shut its doors to the public in 2012, shortly after my ringing appeals to Karma Kuchen & Gyatrul Rinpoche brought an end to "Jetsunma's" cynically evil renewed cyberstalking-menace-smear campaign against me. The temple has not yet re-opened, despite its incessant shrill fund raising appeals via the Internet. Why not? Well, the answer to that question might have something to do with my blog. Google "Jetsunma" and see what always pops up on page 1. Nobody else who had no connection to these fools has ever dared to do what I did. And all I did was stand up to their incessant evil rather than, like Bill, squeeze into the nearest hole & wait for the storm to blow itself out.

After all, I was the one who did some research & broke the news on my blog & Twitter that the odious KPC child-raping monk "Palzang" -- Jetsunma's ghostwriter & longtime right hand hatchet man -- had finally gotten himself locked away in Arizona for banging a little boy. Maybe that has had something to do with Tulkudämmerung.

Note that the mild-mannered Bill Schwartz himself has been accused multiple times of stalking and online harassment, and not only by Über-bogus Tulku "Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo" and her raving idiot followers, but also by Waylon Lewis, founder and editor of the respected online publication Elephant Journal. (Google the phrase "bored, maniacal bully" & see what comes up.) The tedious, blustering aggressiveness Bill Schwartz attributes to me is really all his own. I suggest that next time a hard working Chicago police officer approaches him to ask what he thinks he's doing as he snaps his trademark stalker photographs of young women alone on subway platforms to post on his incoherent blog, he maybe react with some grace & humility, even if he has to pretend.

-Bill Schwartz fantasizes that I "reached out to him" -- to incriminate myself. Fat chance, big man! Let's see that tweet or text message. Oh, he made it up in his head.

-Bill Schwartz claims that I asked him to ask his Editor wife (if any "wife" really exists -- I wasn't sure then and am doubly not sure now, given Bill's demonstrated, though often hostile, homoerotic interest in good looking younger men) for her opinion about a possible book deal based on my experiences. In a strictly informal way it's true; I did. Or, at least, I asked him to ask "her" if "she" thought there might hypothetically be a book in it. Excuse me for networking! In any case, he didn't ask "her." Why would he?

(Because Bill Schwartz doesn't do even the smallest favors for anybody, ever. Not even for supposed "friends." He does not offer to help, and if asked he will not help. He demands attention and recognition from others, but gives nothing back. Bill has often spoken with amazement about the fact that Craig Bialick -- @Ogmin, on Twitter -- once did him the favor of calling his "wife" after a home robbery that had left him without a cell phone. But this isn't so amazing at all, is it?, since Craig typically behaves according to the Buddhist ideal. Craig is a good person who lives what he preaches -- and people respect him for it. Why not learn from this example?)

-Bill Schwartz mocks and condescends to my good friends on Twitter by calling them "fanboys,""playmates" and "playdates." Here again, these remarks give one sad glimpses into Bill's personal Über hell realm of social media angst and frustration. For a man who's studied Buddhism for a purported thirty years he's still painfully far from tasting the bliss and ease of Mahasukha.

-Bill Schwartz, in his typical disparaging style, calls me an "aspiring author." I'd call Bill an "aspiring Asshole" except that he went pro as soon as he opened a Twitter account. Right now I'm earning steady royalty money from my Kindle novels on Amazon and people I've never personally met are enjoying and talking about them. That makes me a "bona fide" -- though not yet Über -- author. All of my novels deal with love and bravery in the face of terror. It's because I've personally experienced, and overcome, terror that I can write so beautifully & convincingly about it.

-Turning over his supposedly triumphant hole card, Bill Schwartz claims that the FBI raid on my home all by itself conclusively proves I must have done something very wrong. I hereby counter-claim that since Bill Schwartz was "detained" by the Chicago PD on suspicion of being a terrorist, he definitely is a terrorist. Case closed. Put a black bag on his head, dress him up in an orange jumpsuit, toss him in a Cuban cell, & throw away the key!

For more about terror-suspect Bill Schwartz, the criminal activity of an infamous rapist-enabling Tulku, & the ill-conceived, deranged and mistaken FBI raid on my home, please see: "The Deadly Viper Assassination Buddhists" "Open Message to Karma Kuchen Rinpoche", "Crimes & Tulkus" and "A Short Interview with Andrew Wilson (February 15, 2011)"

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