Shaman Tiger Zen Roshi
玄門 Ancient Shamanic Zen, Atiyoga.
(Move to ...)
Zen Ki Ji
Mu Shin Ki Do
Shishi Odoshi
Zen Swordwork
Bamboo Flute
Black Magic
What is Zen Realization?
The Origin of Zen
The Great Cloud Mountain Temple Sutra
The Yoga of Vivid Awareness
Namu Myoho Renge Kyo
Shakyamuni: Überpragmatist
Ki Misogi and Musoku Breathing
Self Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness
The Mind-Heart Inscription
Bamboo Flute
mysterious sound of the bamboo flute
is at once entirely physical and entirely mystical.
Clearly, this is in the spirit of Great Zen.
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